Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thrift-opedia moves to!!

Thrift-opedia has MOVED to

Let us know what you think of our new home!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Make Your Own Soda

Purchase 2-liter bottles of soda water, which is carbonated without the sugar. Buy your favorite type of the half gallon Juicy Juice or other 100% fruit juices. Take these and mix them together in equal ratios (50-50). The result is a "healthy" soda that tastes great but has much less unhealthy added sugar of regular soft drinks.

Kool-Aid with a Kick

Here's a little idea for adding a little kick to your kool-aid for those addicted to carbonation. Fill up your glass about 3/4 full of unsweetened kool-aid then top it off with either Sprite or 7-up. It will give the mixture the little kick you love!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere

The drink that has been around since hydrogen molecules found they got along well with oxygen molecules. Good old water is the cheap drink of choice that is readily available to most Americans. Have a faucet nearby? You have access to the cheapest drink possible.

Don't like the taste of your water or don't trust it unfiltered? Check here for some great ideas.

Tea Up

Soft Drinks cost a ton and are pretty unhealthy. The wife and I have a drink of choice that has been around for centuries: tea! We make a ton of the stuff and drink it with meals and pretty much whenever we are thirsty.

We purchased a cheap coffee pot to brew our tea. We buy the family-sized tea bags and brew up a pot by placing 2 of these where the coffee grounds go. After the pot is full we take the tea bags out and place them directly in the pot to let them steep. We then add the contents of the pot to a gallon jug, sugar it up to taste, and place it in the fridge.

If you like to shake things up with your teas you can always try Adagio Teas - Free Teapot Offer
for an awesome variety.

Since we have 3 kids we usually keep three gallons at a time in the fridge. This is a cheap and easy way to quench the families thirst!

**If calories are an issue, use an alternative sweetener such as Splenda, or simply use 1/2 cup of sugar vs. an entire cup. A one gallon container of tea, sweetened with 1 cup of sugar is approximately 135 calories, per glass of tea.